Rémy Martin Sidecar Competition Belgian finals judging (Antwerp)

After judging the Cointreau Sidecar Competition in 2019 I was asked to judge another Sidecar Competition! This time it was Rémy Martin’s Timeless Sidecar Competition, a cocktail competition created to celebrate the 100th birthday of one of the most famous Cognac cocktails in the world, the Sidecar. All participants were asked to create a new twist on the sidecar that could last for another 100 years of fame and fortune.

There was a lot of interest for this competition, with over 50 registrations. This number was narrowed down to 18, based on the best recipes and concepts. These 18 local finalists first received some tips and tricks from Sofian Vlaminck and Thomas Timmermans, took part of a cognac tasting and then needed to battle it out. As judges, Fanny Brouez, Sofian and me were tasked to pick out the best 5 participants, who got to go through to the next round: the BENELUX finals.

photos: 2 headed studio